Top 13 Trending Call To Action Examples And Conversion Strategies

Humphrey Udoh a digital marketer, content creator, and internet advertiser


Humphrey Udoh

Get Access to top 13 trending call to action examples with conversion strategies to use.

Every Ad copy you see have one goal which is to make the prospect takes action.

It makes no sense if you’re copy has no “call to action”.

Call To Action

It will make your audience get more confused or leave your website without buying.

If you don’t put the right call to action.

Though, there are different ways to use call to action.

Either by using strong verbs or weak one.

Sometimes it be direct or indirect method, it all depends on the user and type of audience you are targeting.

Above all, it is compulsory in digital advertising, if you want high conversation rate.

To use call to action in any kind of digital marketing format you are using.

More over this aarticle will be focusing on top 13 trending call to action examples and their conversion strategy for you.

To help you interact with your audience in the internet. During your campaigns.

 Related read: 5 Sales Hack To Make Your Prospect Buy From You

Definition of Call To Action By Wikipedia

“Call to action (CTA) is a marketing term for any design to prompt an immediate response or encourage an immediate sale. 

A CTA most often refers to the use of words or phrases that can be incorporated into sales scripts, advertising messages, or web pages, which compel an audience to act in a specific way.”

Base on the goal of the copy. It is the end result of the copy that compel people to do something.

If your call to action is weak your conversation rate may be low and vice versa.

“The best call to action phrases are brief and use strong verbs.” CrazyEgg

  1. It gives perfect clearity for your prospects by asking them to take action immediately

What Does The Right Call To Actions Do?

  1.  It shows how professional your marketing strategies is
  1. It increases the rate of conversation; either on video, webpages, blog, landing page or social media etc
  1. It increases the revenue of your brand

Forms Of Call To Actions

  • Text form
  • Hyper link
  • Button
  • Images
  1. Text Form

The means of communication on webpages, blogs, email and landing pages.  

Using Writing words in the internet. Where users read what is written.

  1. Hyper link

Can be link that is embedded in a word, words, phrase tell someone to click and do something immediately.

Most likely found on webpages, email, sales copy and blogs and the rest.


If you see button call to action just check land pages on the web or Facebook and other advertising platforms.

4. Images

Most times when an image is using call to action you’ll likely see what will be written on it like click here.

There are many types of call to action, business to close sales today.

However, our focus is on the top 13 trending call-to-action examples and their conversion strategy for digital marketers.

Some general, while others are customized by some Brand for their products.

There are category of call to action that is use in specific way.

Base on the platform you want to use it.

We have,

  • General call to action
  • Weak call to action
  • Strong call to action

Different Platform Call to Action

  • Social media call to action
  • Email call to action
  • Salespage call to action
  • Webpage call to action
  • E-commerce call to action
  • News letter call to action
  • NGO call to action

Top 10 Trending Call To Actions

  1. Sign Up Free
  2. Click here
  3. Buy Now
  4. Get Access
  5. Get Offer
  6. Add To Cart
  7. Get Quote
  8. Claim It Now
  9. Join Us Now
  10. Learn More
  11. Donate
  12. Try For Free
  13. Download For Free
  1. Sign Up Free 

It realeses the tension and free of extra cost maybe added to it.

Sometimes customers are afraid of hidden charge or extra cost. But when it free it gives them confidence to get it.

Examples of these are email  subscriptions or newsletters.

Sometimes too, website site visitor who wants to leave the site.

  1. Click here

Have you ever watch video ad and don’t know what to do?

The reason is there’s no call to action. It may also be that the advertiser use to wrong call to action. This happen sometimes on Facebook ad copies. 

I was a victim of it.  Instead of landing on sales page, comments were just coming inn.

When you get command of click here and it’s clear, your audience will click to reach your landing page.

  1. Buy Now

The words “buy now” is mostly use in specific way in e-commerce Especially e-commerce stores and e-commerce advert. It is telling your shopper to put credit card and make purchase immediately.

  1. Get Access

If you want your audience to enter into a recorded webinar, events or class. This call to action is best fit for it. 

It gives the impression that the person is qualify to attend.

5.) Get Offer

This kind of call to action creates a sense of gratification in the prospect’s mind. It makes the prospect see it as something to get immediately.

6.) Add To Cart

When a buyer is interested in a product instead of leaving without buying, you suggest adding it to the cart. To enable him to visit again soon and make a purchase.

You can use this if you’re selling physical products. E-commerce Products or your customized products.

7.) Get Quote

Do you offer services like, Medical, financial, Legal  agency or consultants.

Your ad copy or content should attract the group chat.

8.) Claim it Now

What do you think?  It’s a way of telling you to take an offer without much effort.

“Remember that one of the things that advertising must do is overcoming resistance.”

When you make the entering less easy to click you break your customer defense system. 

That can increase your conversion rate.

9.) Join Us Now

There are many fish to catch. In this regard, you can bring your customer into your community by using more enticing words.

It is one of the top 13 trending call to action examples that compels the prospect to join a networking company.

 And a bit of friendly words. That will make it more interesting.

10.) Learn More

Top 13 trending call to action example like “Learn More” is mostuseduse in ad copy where you need to get more information about the product.

This is mostly use in affiliate marketing campaigns where the prospect has to watch the explained video or read a landing page information before signing up.

It is one of the call to action buttons on Facebook Ads manager.

There are other call to action words to use depending on your niche and your goal.

Especially in Affiliate marketing and MLM ad copies.

11.) Donate 

It is compulsory you use this as an NGO or charity organizations  

12.) Try For Free

This kind of call to action is best used in SAAS or on subscription products.

When you put “Free” many people would want to try for Free. Because everyone likes free things.

It creates less sense of risk on their side.

13.) Download For Free

Whenever you want to catch leads in your niche just create a free ebook, template or PDF guide. 

You’ll make a mad rush of downloads.

They believe after all it doesn’t cost me anything.

There are a whole lot of call to action words or phrases out there.

Especially in the ones brands are using. 

But this is Where we can stop so far.

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Humphrey Udoh

Elivechat Team

Content Writer and Author

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