Top Social Media Marketing Trends for Last Quarter Of 2024


Humphrey Udoh

Now that we are approaching the end of the year, here are the top social media marketing trends for the last quarter of 2024.

So you can smear it into your business.

Internet marketing is changing the buying behavior of consumers coupled with the purchasing power of individuals on social media. 

From Hubspot “The State of the marketing 2024” report has it that “56% of marketers using TikTok will increase their investment next year, the highest of any platform.”

You can’t afford to miss the opportunity to adopt social media trends if you want to maximize profit in the last quarter of 2024.

“31% of consumers use social media to find answers to questions.

Social media is the #1 product discovery channel for Gen Z and Millennials.” – (The State of Marketing 2024 Hubspot)

Social media marketing involves knowing where your audience are either Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Google or Instagram.

And take your product to buyers.

Narrow yourself to the top performing platform rather than distributing yourself to multiple platforms.

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Which will be like boxing everybody you see on the street instead of fighting your singular enemy.

Is not every social media your ideal customer is visible.

There is a dominant platform where you can get more traction than others stay there to maximize ROI.

8 Key Trends for Social Media Marketing In 2024

I do not say these are the best but from my point of view these trends can help businesses.

Grow on social media and boost ROI in the last quarter of 2024.

  1. Top social Media marketing Trend: Personalized AI  

Looking at how brands like Amazon, Uber and AirBnB are using personalized AI experience to gain more customers. 

Statistics say that 70% of marketers use AI for social media management.

Generative AI is the go-to for big brands. 

“75% of marketers believe that personalized experience drive sales and repeat business” – Hubspot

96% of marketers say personalization experiences contributes to effective marketing, from the report of “The state of marketing 2024- by Hubspot

Using chatbot, user generated content, AI powered data analysis, AI driven advertisement and the rest are the best.

To make waves with this, understand your audience’s AI experience, set up an AI automated system.

16% of marketers plan to try experiential marketing that is by engaging with customers directly with pop-ups and event app and Live Streaming.- Hubspot

AI applications are cheaper to maintain than humans and they are work 24 hours for customer support. 

Partnerships with creators are now indispensable for business growth- Kyle  Denhoff (Director of marketing media, Hubspot)

Consider using this before the trend expires.

  1. Key Social Media Marketing Trend: The One Platform 

Some top brands are narrowly focused on one platform.

Example like Tesla- Elon Musk is more focused on Twitter than on Facebook because he has gained more attention there.  

Big brands are committed to the platform they have more of an audience rather than spreading their presence everywhere. 

Before you start, what you should do is simple.

Just do an audit to know which one is better for you. 

What is the cost of running content in a few places?

Find the social media platform where your customers reside and grab them fast before competitors take them.

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  1. Calculating ROI Trend

Using entertainment to grab people’s attention is the new trend.

Because consumers want to be entertained.  To relax their nerves from the stress of life. 

If your brand can create engaging entertaining and attention-grabbing content it will drive more sales.  

It can generate quality leads and a large community for you. 

Since social media is now the place of entertainment.

Marketing trends that bring more ROI in 2024

  • Content that shows brand values
  • Selling on Social Commerce e.g TikTok, whatsapp, Instagram and facebook
  •  Using mobile friendly website
  • Influencer marketing
  • Short form videos 
  1. The Video Content Consumption

Now video content is gaining more and more attention from TikTok to Google and finally Facebook reels. 

TikTok users spend more time watching 30 minute videos while Facebook reels and skits are getting a lot of attention. 

 Using long form video in organic content will increase more reach.

While short form video still stands as the best for advertisement. 

Interactive content gets more influence other than single posts with no interaction.

Like the Facebook monetization policy that demands long videos interaction to earn money. 

Asking their content creators to use the like, share and comment of followers as standard for engagements.

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  1. The Social Commerce

Recently Facebook co-founder Mark Zukerberg was mentioned as the top richest social media tech founder. 

Due to the stock rise. He has incorporated social commerce into Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. 

These platforms are growing in leaps and bounds.

Mark Zuckerberg has dominated the social industry gaining more presence in video sharing platforms.

Which are Instagram and Facebook seeing fast growth rate.

Whatsapp is also getting more growth rate with about 100 million active users in the US due to its new rollout. 

Recording high growth rate among US users. Just this month Mark Zuckerberg is worth $200 billion USD. 

Whatsapp messaging app is experiencing double digit growth in the US this year.

You can now connect with businesses on WhatsApp, call businesses directly to make orders and ask for customer support.  

Meta AI generates a lot of attraction among businesses.

Coupled with creative AI glasses doing better by helping people do things better which they naturally would’ve done. 

Though in the early stage of the creative AI category.

 Also, it can automatically translate your native language to English using your natural voice. 

This will make buying easier in the future.

TikTok has included shops and is expanding into more reach. 

Businesses sell on TikTok shops, do live streaming and influencer marketing. 

Considering having a social commerce shop will be a good option for business growth. 

Choose from any of the platforms and pitch your tent.

  1. The Quality Content Trend 

Producing quality content is stressful unless you have the money.

Because it involves time, money, thinking, innovation and good gadgets. 

70% of marketers use AI for social media management (source: Sprout Social) 

Even at that creating original content is time consuming but it is the best decision you should ever take to keep you ahead of others. 

Build the real you in the mind of your customers. It brings trust and confidence to do business with you.

  1. The Relevant SEO for Social 

Maybe you are not aware that optimizing content with SEO for social media improves content visibility by 40%. 

 Yes by 40% when you use relevant keywords in the title, trending hashtags to increase visibility and your content goes viral.

Checking up with trending hashtags and adding to title and caption cannot be a bad idea on social media.

  1. Influencer Marketing 

Do you know that influencer marketing growth rate is 32% year on year in the past years? Niche focus influential marketing is key.  Micro-influential marketing brings faster results. This should make you focus on the result other than just the campaign. Like:

  • Niche of the influential
  • Authenticity of the influential 
  • Measurable ROI  

 Influential marketing seems to be more relevant by connecting marketers to their direct audience.

Some notable trend in the influential marketing in 2024

  • Influential marketing is already growing to become about $24 billion by the end of 2024
  • 63% of influential people have accepted to use AI in their influential campaigns.
  • Recent survey has it that 85% of marketers trust it to be more effective than and is not slowing down soon.
  • 41% of surveyors said it is not a good practice to pay influential money rather than just give them a product to use.
  • TikTok is the most used platform of brands for influential marketing more than the other social media channels. With 69% of businesses using influencers.
  • 44% of marketers say that it is better to work with nano and 26% micro but 17% say they prefer macro influencers while 13% choose celebrities. 

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